My classroom is really coming along, but I’m beginning to feel the pressure of the impending open house. I’m the sort of person who wants everything to be perfect in the room for the open house. Unfortunately, I almost at a point where I can no longer continue working on my room as I have to wait for several other people.
The rear quarter of my room is still in boxes, and pushed together. I can’t set the corner up, which will host my mini restaurant booths, my math supply center, and the shelves that hold all of the board games. Right now, the teacher computer is tethered to the wall through power cords, audio cords, Ethernet cords, and video cords. The phone is also plugged in. I’m not allowed to unplug anything, and even if I did, when the computer is moved, the tech guys will need access to all of the ports, which eventually will be blocked by the restaurant booths.
I can’t finish setting up my library as I am waiting for the installation of the window air conditioner. (Due to a few health issues in my room, air conditioning is being installed. Yippee!) The air conditioner can’t be installed yet because it was ordered and hasn’t come in yet.
I have several paper globe lights that hang in the classroom. Right now the cords are hanging down. I can’t tuck the cords into the ceiling tiles yet, since the computer guys will need to remove several ceiling tiles while they move the computer.
I have several bulletin boards and other color print jobs that I can’t print yet because our building was struck by lightning, which of course fried our color printer. The new one hasn’t come in yet. All of the things that need to be printed were designed on 11x17 paper, which only that printer can print.
I can’t laminate any of the posters I put together, nor can I laminate desk tags, locker tags, or anything else in my classroom. Somebody broke the laminator and the new one hasn’t come in yet.
It’s frustrating feeling the deadline, but not being able to do anything about it.