Reading Log Tip: Kids reading a solid "J", they should knock out a Henry and Mudge book in 10 minutes. Kids at this level might benefit tallying the number of books read instead of a full reading log.
Reading Workshop is a structure like a Hospital is a structure.
M/N and beyond: Book shop as-needed, use traditional reading log
Below M/N: Write titles when they shop, use a modified reading log
A-D 10-12 books
E-I 8-10 books
J-M 6-8 books
As needed: 1-2 chapter book/unit
1-2 "Break books"
Her library:
She has a "brain book" section (Her leveled library)
She also has another part separated by fiction/nonfiction, organized by kid-selected topics
She also has kids hang reading book on hooks on the back of their chairs
She tries to keep 3-4 charts up for each subject (Not more)
Awesome nonfiction series:
Teaching is 50/50. 50% is content knowledge, and 50% is bring kids into the equation. MAISA attempts to provide the 50% content knowledge, but you still need to bring your kids into the equation too! MAISA is not enough!
In an argument between what MAISA needs and what your kids need, what your kids need should win every time. "Our curriculum is our kids."
Another persona: excavator (What is underneath the text? Big idea?)
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